Atlanta Fed GDPNow U.S. Real GDP Estimate

Atlanta Fed GDPNow U.S. Real GDP Estimate The GDPNow model estimate for U.S. real GDP growth is 2.5% for 2024:Q2, suggesting that the U.S. economy is experiencing moderate growth and maintaining a positive trajectory. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Temporary Help Services Jobs vs. Real GDP and U.S. Recessions

Temporary Help Services Jobs vs. Real GDP and U.S. Recessions Temporary Help Services Jobs stand at -7.74% YoY in June. The relationship between Temporary Help Services jobs and the macroeconomy is complex. Declines in Temporary Help Services Jobs are often considered a leading indicator of a potential recession (red line at -3.5%), but they do…

S&P 500 Valuation – Real Market Capitalization to Real GDP Ratio

S&P 500 Valuation – Real Market Capitalization to Real GDP Ratio The inflation-adjusted market capitalization to GDP ratio is a valuable tool to evaluate the U.S. stock market’s valuation. The high current ratio implies a potential overvaluation. Image: Real Investment Advice

Real GDP and Inflation Forecasts

Real GDP and Inflation The U.S. economy has avoided recessions and stagflations 90% of the time, inspiring confidence in investors and showcasing the country’s commitment to long-term economic stability and growth. Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy

U.S. Real GDP Growth

U.S. Real GDP Growth Deutsche Bank has a more positive outlook on the growth of U.S. GDP compared to consensus, reflecting their belief in the good performance of the U.S. economy. Image: Deutsche Bank

China Real GDP Growth Forecast

China Real GDP Growth Forecast The downturn in growth in China may be stabilizing. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Real GDP “New-New Normal”

U.S. Real GDP “New-New Normal” Will a sustained period of low economic growth be the “new normal” for the United States? Image: Real Investment Advice

Real S&P 500 and Real GDP

Real S&P 500 and Real GDP The excesses of the U.S. stock market tend to correct themselves over time. Image: Real Investment Advice