Do Central Banks’ Negative Rates Work in Europe?

Do Central Banks’ Negative Rates Work in Europe? Not really. Actually, negative rates distort economies and leave little room to maneuver in the next recession. Secondly, extremely low interest rates are also bad for European banks, like Deutsche Bank, which in turn is bad for economic growth. It’s a feedback loop which could lead to…

Negative Yielding European Corporate Bonds

Negative Yielding European Corporate Bonds Now, €1.1 trillion of European corporate bonds yield are below zero: exactly half of the European high-grade credit market. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch

Total Negative Yielding Corporate Bonds Outstanding

Total Negative Yielding Corporate Bonds Outstanding Negative-yielding corporate debt passed $1 trillion in market value. Investors face significant risk should rates start to rise. Image: Bianco Research

$11 Trillion Bonds Globally Trade At Negative Interest Rates

$11 Trillion Bonds Globally Trade At Negative Interest Rates The total amount of negative interest rates climbed to USD 11 trillion. Investors are paying governments for the privilege of holding their bonds and are losing so much money in real terms. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research