U.S. Nominal GDP Less Government Budget Deficit

U.S. Nominal GDP Less Government Budget Deficit While fiscal spending in the United States has the potential to boost GDP growth, it is important to carefully consider the long-term implications and trade-offs associated with such policies. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

U.S. Budget Deficit as a % of GDP

U.S. Budget Deficit as a % of GDP The trend of elevated deficits and increasing debt can have potential long-term implications for the U.S. economy. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Budget Deficit and Current Account

U.S. Budget Deficit and Current Account The U.S. federal government’s budget deficit is skyrocketing. This is not a cause for panic… yet. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Federal Budget Spending

U.S. Federal Budget Spending The U.S. federal budget spending is projected to rise in the future. Image: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research

U.S. Budget Deficit

U.S. Budget Deficit Government spending increases despite President Trump’s promise to eliminate debt. Image: Financial Times

U.S. Long-Term Budget Outlook

U.S. Long-Term Budget Outlook Large budget deficits over the next 30 years could boost federal debt to unprecedented levels. Image: Congressional Budget Office

Federal Budget Deficit Since 1948

Federal Budget Deficit Since 1948 The federal budget deficit is unusually large compared to the state of the U.S. economy. Image: Goldman Sachs