Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund Equity Exposure

Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund Equity Exposure Mutual funds have notably increased equity allocations since 2023, reflecting a growing confidence in the stock market’s long-term potential despite ongoing volatility. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

NAAIM – Equity Exposure of U.S. Active Managers

NAAIM – Equity Exposure of U.S. Active Managers U.S. active managers are optimistic, as they have the highest level of exposure to equities in over two years, betting on a rebound in global growth. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

Aggregate CTAs Equity Exposure

Aggregate CTAs Equity Exposure CTAs equity exposure also remains at a high level. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Hedge Fund Equity Exposure

Hedge Fund Equity Exposure Great chart showing that hedge funds’ equity exposure is near their lowest since the global financial crisis. Image: J.P. Morgan