Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund Equity Exposure

Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund Equity Exposure Reflecting optimism in the current economic climate, hedge funds and mutual funds have collectively increased their stakes in equities, indicative of a broader market preference for stocks. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

NAAIM – Equity Exposure of U.S. Active Managers

NAAIM – Equity Exposure of U.S. Active Managers U.S. active managers are optimistic, as they have the highest level of exposure to equities in over two years, betting on a rebound in global growth. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

Aggregate CTAs Equity Exposure

Aggregate CTAs Equity Exposure CTAs equity exposure also remains at a high level. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Hedge Fund Equity Exposure

Hedge Fund Equity Exposure Great chart showing that hedge funds’ equity exposure is near their lowest since the global financial crisis. Image: J.P. Morgan

Systematic Equity Positioning

Systematic Equity Positioning Current systematic equity positioning is at the 90th percentile, indicating high equity exposure. This could result in limited upside potential, elevated risk levels, and an increased likelihood of market reversal. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation