Central Bank – BOJ Outright Purchases of JGBs

Central Bank – BOJ Outright Purchases of JGBs Will the Bank of Japan (BOJ) continue to buy Japanese government bonds as part of its yield curve control policy? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

G4 Central Bank Balance Sheet

G4 Central Bank Balance Sheet The combined G4 central bank balance sheet (Fed, ECB, BoJ, BoE) should continue to expand further. Image: J.P. Morgan

G4 Central Bank Balance Sheet, Flow

G4 Central Bank Balance Sheet, Flow The combined G4 central bank balance sheet (Fed, ECB, BoJ, BoE) is expected to expand further. Image: J.P. Morgan

Japan Stock Market

Japan Stock Market Japan holds more than 4% of the domestic stock market, making the BoJ the top shareholder of more than 55 companies in the Nikkei 225. Image: Macrobond Financial