Flows – Outflows per Every $100 of Inflow

Flows – Outflows per Every $100 of Inflow Should investors stay cautious on equities, as capitulation has not been reached for risk assets? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Value Flows

U.S. Value Flows Over the past 18 months, outflows from U.S. value funds have been substantial, totaling a record $100 billion. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Market – Net Buys by Sector

Market – Net Buys by Sector Last week, inflows were largest in the tech sector, while the energy sector saw the biggest outflows. Image: BofA Securities

Weekly Energy Flows

Weekly Energy Flows Investor confidence in the energy sector waned, as evidenced by the largest outflow from energy funds since March 2023. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Europe Flows

Europe Flows Will outflows from European equity funds persist? Investors remain very cautious at this time. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Hedge Funds – Net Buys

Hedge Funds – Net Buys Hedge funds continue to hit the sell button, resulting in significant outflows over the past 3 months. Image: BofA Securities

Flows by Year into Active vs. Passive Funds

Flows by Year into Active vs. Passive Funds Passive funds are growing in popularity as investors prioritize lower fees, potential tax advantages, and doubt active fund managers’ ability to consistently outperform the market. As a result, active funds are facing capital outflows. Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy

U.S. Money Market Fund Assets

U.S. Money Market Fund Assets Following a Fed rate cut, U.S. money market funds typically experience outflows 12 months later as investors adjust their portfolios and manage risk in response to changing interest rates and market conditions. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Flows to Japan Equities

Flows to Japan Equities The record outflow from Japan equity funds reflects a shift in investor sentiment. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Cumulative Gold Flows

YTD Cumulative Gold Flows Despite the upward trajectory of gold prices, the trend of outflows from gold ETFs has persisted. However, bullion and coin purchases have surpassed gold ETF sales and central bank gold purchases since Q3 2020. Image: J.P. Morgan