GDP – Global Growth Forecasts

GDP – Global Growth Forecasts The global economy is expected to continue its recovery despite the coronavirus pandemic and supply chain challenges. Image: Richardson Wealth

Market-Implied Global Growth

Market-Implied Global Growth Markets are already pricing in global growth close to its long-term average. Image: UBS

Global Growth and Macro Data

Global Growth and Macro Data Macro data are turning sharply positive. Is the recovery faster than expected? Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Global Growth, Equity Rally and Fed Balance Sheet

Global Growth, Equity Rally and Fed Balance Sheet This chart suggests that economic data is the driving force behind the equity rally, not the Fed’s balance sheet. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

Global Growth in 2020

Global Growth in 2020 Goldman Sachs expects a pick-up in global growth over the next year, led by the United States. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Global Growth Outlook (Global GDP)

Global Growth Outlook (Global GDP) Goldman Sachs is optimistic and expects global growth to rise to 3.4% in 2020. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research