Inflation and Supply Chain Disruptions

Inflation and Supply Chain Disruptions Chart suggesting that supply chain disruptions have no material impact on inflation. Image: J.P. Morgan

Oil Market Disruption

Oil Market Disruption This chart suggests that “the oil market can cope with a larger Saudi disruption for several months.” Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Major Oil Supply Disruptions

Major Oil Supply Disruptions As a reminder, disruptions in the oil market have always led to higher oil prices. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research

U.S. Treasury Bill Yield by Maturity

U.S. Treasury Bill Yield by Maturity A default by the U.S. government could have significant negative effects on the economy, including financial market disruptions and a loss of faith in the United States by international investors. Image: BofA Global Research

Annual Change in Monetary Supply

Annual Change in Monetary Supply Draining liquidity has historically been a major concern in financial markets, as it can lead to significant disruptions and have broader impacts on the economy. Image: Real Investment Advice

Oil Prices and Consensus Capex

Oil Prices and Consensus Capex Could oil capex cuts lead to supply disruptions? Image: Morgan Stanley Research