VIX and Geopolitical Risk Index

VIX and Geopolitical Risk Index The VIX tends to be sensitive to geopolitical events and can serve as an indicator of market sentiment during times of heightened geopolitical risk. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Fed Staff Geopolitical Risk Index

Fed Staff Geopolitical Risk Index Geopolitical risk has risen significantly since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

S&P 500 Index vs. Geopolitical Events

S&P 500 Index vs. Geopolitical Events If you listen to the news, there is always a good reason not to be invested in U.S. stocks Image: Real Investment Advice

BlackRock Geopolitical Risk Indicator for Global Trade Tensions

BlackRock Geopolitical Risk Indicator for Global Trade Tensions The recent decline of the indicator suggests that investors may be more complacent about the risk and impact of trade conflicts. Source: BlackRock Investment Institute – Global Investment Outlook Q2 2019

FMS Investors – Biggest “Tail Risk”

FMS Investors – Biggest “Tail Risk” FMS investors view geopolitical conflict as the biggest “tail risk” for the global economy, given their concern about its potential adverse impact on financial markets and investments. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey

Japan Stocks vs. China Stocks

Japan Stocks vs. China Stocks Despite economic challenges and geopolitical risks, Chinese equities have rallied over the past 3 months. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy