Cyclicals to Defensive Stock Ratio and Treasury Bonds

Cyclicals to Defensive Stock Ratio and Treasury Bonds Market internals, the preference for large over small and quality over junk, suggest that the recovery will be modest. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

U.S. Stocks – Cyclicals vs. Defensives

U.S. Stocks – Cyclicals vs. Defensives Investor sentiment is often reflected in the performance of cyclicals versus defensives. Typically, expectations of economic growth lead to a preference for cyclicals, resulting in their outperformance relative to defensives. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Stocks – Cyclicals vs. Defensives

Stocks – Cyclicals vs. Defensives Cyclicals and defensives are useful indicators of investor sentiment. As investors expect economic contractions, they often shift towards defensives, resulting in their outperformance compared to cyclicals. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Cyclicals vs. Defensives Performance

Cyclicals vs. Defensives Performance Cyclical sectors’ strong performance suggests economic optimism, but investors must be cautious about potential overvaluation and risks, especially when buying cyclical stocks late in the economic cycle. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

S&P 500 Stocks Net Call Volume

S&P 500 Stocks Net Call Volume The surge in call option activity for mega-cap growth, tech, and defensive stocks indicates ongoing bullish sentiment, while also hinting at possible market shifts ahead. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation