U.S. Repo Market and the Fed

U.S. Repo Market and the Fed Interesting chart showing that the Fed is pumping hundreds of billions into the repo market. Image: Bianco Research

Repo Market (Outstanding Repos) and Reserve Demand Curve

Repo Market (Outstanding Repos) and Reserve Demand Curve The Fed will expand its balance sheet again, by purchasing Treasury bills at least until mid-2020, which should rebuild the level of reserves in the system to $1.7 trillion. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch

Warren Buffett Talks Investment Strategy and Mastering the Market

Warren Buffett Talks Investment Strategy and Mastering the Market “Well, I look at a lot of figures just in connection with our businesses. I like to get numbers. So I’m getting reports in weekly in some businesses, but that doesn’t tell me what the economy’s going to six months from now or three months from…

NAAIM Exposure Index – Investor Sentiment​

NAAIM Exposure Index – Investor Sentiment The National Association of Active Investment Managers Exposure Index represents the two-week moving average exposure to U.S. equity markets reported by NAAIM members. The NAAIM Exposure Index at 76.70 indicates that active investment managers have still a relatively high level of exposure to the market, and remain confident for the time…

S&P 500 Total Return and U.S. High Yield/High Grade

S&P 500 Total Return and U.S. High Yield/High Grade Usually, flight to quality in credit markets is rarely a good sign for equities, but ECB QE, Fed easing and repo operations should be positive. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch