Trade War Hitting Global Trade Hard

Trade War Hitting Global Trade Hard US-China trade war is hurting Asia export hubs. Singapore is heading for a recession. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

Most Important Variables When Forecasting Real GDP

Most Important Variables When Forecasting Real GDP Search trends are very different between China (manufacturing industry) and the USA/Eurozone (consumer), when forecasting real GDP. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

The World’s Biggest Importers

The World’s Biggest Importers The U.S. is the largest importer in the world, followed by China and Germany. You may also like “The World’s Biggest Exporters.” Image:

The World’s Biggest Exporters

The World’s Biggest Exporters China is the largest exporter in the world, followed by the U.S. and Germany. You may also like “The World’s Biggest Importers.” Image:

Household Debt as a Proportion of GDP

Household Debt as a Proportion of GDP Household debt levels in China are equivalent to those in advanced economies. Image: The Wall Street Journal

World Semiconductor Sales Lead Emerging Markets

World Semiconductor Sales Lead Emerging Markets This chart suggests that world semiconductor sales lead the MSCI emerging markets index by 3 months. This is very interesting before investing in emerging market equities. Country weights of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index: 33% China, 13.02% Korea, 11.35% Taiwan. Image: Nordea and Macrobond

How “NO-DEAL Brexit” Would Affect the World’s Economy?

How “NO-DEAL Brexit” Would Affect the World’s Economy? What could a no-deal Brexit mean for developing countries? Main losers if there is a no-deal Brexit: European Union and Turkey. Main winners if there is a no-deal Brexit: China, USA, Japan, Thailand, South Africa, India, Brazil. Image:, UNCTAD

Global Nominal GDP

Global Nominal GDP After the U.S., China is the world’s second largest economy. Its nominal GDP represents 16% of world GDP, compared to 24% for the United States. Image: Scotiabank