FMS Global Bond Allocation

FMS Global Bond Allocation FMS global bond allocation is now at its lowest level in three years, at -69%. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey

U.S. Jobs – U.S. Nonfarm Employment

U.S. Jobs – U.S. Nonfarm Employment Is the labor market running hot? 10 million jobs are still missing in the United States. Image: Financial Times

U.S. Economic Surprise Index

U.S. Economic Surprise Index Economic surprises tend to align with equity market movements. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Core CPI Inflation

Core CPI Inflation The jump in U.S. inflation is likely transitory. Image: Capital Economics

M1 Money Supply Growth YoY

M1 Money Supply Growth YoY The M1 money supply in the United States has grown faster than any time in history. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond