Hedge Fund Equity Exposure

Hedge Fund Equity Exposure Great chart showing that hedge funds’ equity exposure is near their lowest since the global financial crisis. Image: J.P. Morgan

The Fed’s Treasury Holdings by Maturity

The Fed’s Treasury Holdings by Maturity Nice chart showing the Fed’s Treasury holdings by maturity before and after the financial crisis. Image: Reuters

Lower Incomes Paid the Highest Price

Lower Incomes Paid the Highest Price Low-income groups are slowly recovering after the financial crisis. Inequality: you may also like “U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket.” Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

U.S. Federal Debt Held by the Public

U.S. Federal Debt Held by the Public Rising U.S. federal debt could increase the likelihood of a fiscal crisis in the future. Image: Congressional Budget Office

The Top 10 Risks to the Global Economy

The Top 10 Risks to the Global Economy US-China trade conflict, US corporate debt burden, and emerging-markets crisis are the main global risks according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Image: World Economic Forum

Does Surging Oil Prices Cause Recession?

Does Surging Oil Prices Cause Recession? Historically, a rise oil prices can cause recession because high inflation tends to lead to higher interest rates. But nowadays, oil shale production in the US limits the rise in oil prices and makes it possible to avoid a future crisis like the one in 2008.

Stock Market Equity Risk Premium

https://www.isabelnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/stock-market-equity-risk-premium.mp4 This fabulous model shows if the US stock market return for the next 10 years is more or less attractive than the 10-Year Treasury Note The US stock market equity risk premium is the US stock market excess return for the next 10 years over the US 10-year Treasury Note. This is the premium…

Stock Market Valuation

https://www.isabelnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/stock-market-valuation.mp4 This powerful model looks into the US stock market and alerts if it is overvalued or undervalued The model shows the valuation percentage to the right and to the left. In the middle, it shows what the probability of each event happening is. Probability is a way to show how often an event will…