S&P 500 Cyclicals vs. Defensives
S&P 500 Cyclicals vs. Defensives Should investors expect temporary inflation spikes during the recovery and favor large tech stocks? Image: BofA Global Research
S&P 500 Cyclicals vs. Defensives Should investors expect temporary inflation spikes during the recovery and favor large tech stocks? Image: BofA Global Research
Major Central Bank Balance Sheets JPMorgan expects asset price inflation, as the expansion of global central bank balance sheets could reach $5tn in 2021. Image: Financial Times
World Tech + E-commerce vs. World ex-Tech & E-commerce The secular trend in the market has been deflation (credit & tech) dominating inflation, as $100 of EPS in 1995 is now $1,500 in the technology sector, but only $425 in everything else. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy
Total Returns – Gold, Nasdaq and MSCI World ex-US With the Nasdaq at all-time high, markets expect a weak global growth, low inflation and a strong U.S. dollar. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Total Annual Health Care Spending Per U.S. Family Headlines say there’s no inflation, but U.S. health care costs have skyrocketed. The annual health care cost for U.S. families is $23,000 vs. $10,000 in 2003. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research
Demographics and U.S. 10-year Treasury Yield The trend in global savings has turned. The chart suggests that the dis-saving phase is likely to be inflationary. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Decomposing the U.S. 10-Year minus 3-Month Treasury Yield Spread since 2013 This great chart shows that the “Global Economic Data” variable has a significant impact on the U.S. 10-year minus 3-month Treasury yield spread since 2018. An R² of 0.902 means that more than 90 percent of the variance in the U.S. 10-year minus 3-month Treasury yield spread…
“Ken Fisher: Thinking in Ways That Others Do Not, with John Tamny” Great interview of Ken Fisher on: coastal redwoods, dikes and climate change, efficient markets, quantitative easing (QE) vs. inflation, humans as a group are slow to learn, recessions, Fed and interest rates, why philanthropy is bad and immoral, and why inequality is a good…
91.2% Correlation Between Gold Price and U.S. National Debt According to the National Inflation Association, there’s 91.2% correlation between gold price and U.S. national debt. The U.S. government’s public debt is now more than $22 trillion. Over the long term, the price of gold could continue to rise as debt increases. Image: U.S. Global Investors