DM Real GDP and WTI Crude Oil (Leading Indicator)

DM Real GDP and WTI Crude Oil (Leading Indicator) Chart suggesting that the 18-month rate of change of WTI crude oil (inverted) tends to lead DM real GDP by 18 months. Image: Topdown Charts

Equity Positioning Indicators

Equity Positioning Indicators Equities positioning has continued to climb, as optimistic investors price in a global growth rebound. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Market Sentiment Indicators

Market Sentiment Indicators Chart showing that most market sentiment indicators are now reaching high levels. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Real GDP Leading Indicator

U.S. Real GDP Leading Indicator The U.S. real GDP leading indicator suggests an improvement in the second half of 2020 (R² = 0.74). Image: KKR Global Macro

Leading Indicators Are Improving Globally

Leading Indicators Are Improving Globally Leading economic indicators have been improving throughout 2019. This may suggest that global growth is back on track. Image: Richardson Wealth