Asset Class Sentiment – Real Estate
Asset Class Sentiment – Real Estate Real estate asset sentiment is bad, which is contrarian bullish. Image: Topdown Charts
Asset Class Sentiment – Real Estate Real estate asset sentiment is bad, which is contrarian bullish. Image: Topdown Charts
20-Year Annualized Returns by Asset Class The average American investor still underperforms the market over the long term, generally due to panic selling, emotional biases, the herding effect and lack of diversification. Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management
S&P 500 – What Asset Class Will Outperform in 2021? 29% of FMS investors think the S&P500 will outperform this year. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey
Flows for the Broad U.S. Asset Classes: Bonds and Stocks This week, inflows into bonds and stocks (U.S.-domiciled funds only). Image: BofA Global Research
Global Asset Classes – Expected Returns vs. Risk Chart suggesting that the S&P 500 is the least attractive asset over the next 6-12 months. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
Bitcoin Correlations with Asset Classes Bitcoin is positively correlated with equities and commodities. Should more investors add Bitcoin to their portfolio? Image: BofA Global Research
Annualized Performance of Various Asset Classes During the 1970s Gold and commodities tend to do well during periods of high inflation. Image: BofA Global Research
Multi-Asset Class Total Return Since March 2020 Chart showing how the coronavirus and a COVID-19 vaccine affect asset returns. Image: Deutsche Bank
Performance – What Asset Class Do You Think Will Outperform in 2021? FMS investors expect emerging markets, the S&P 500 and oil to outperform in 2021. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey
Annualized Returns by Asset Classes from 1985 to 2018 Art generated annualized returns of 5.3% between 1985 and 2018, and significantly underperformed private-equity, DM and EM equities. Image: The Wall Street Journal
Bitcoin: Currency or Asset Class? (Price and Volatility) This chart puts into perspective the daily and annualized volatility of Bitcoin. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research