World Tech + E-commerce vs. World ex-Tech & E-commerce

World Tech + E-commerce vs. World ex-Tech & E-commerce The secular trend in the market has been deflation (credit & tech) dominating inflation, as $100 of EPS in 1995 is now $1,500 in the technology sector, but only $425 in everything else. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Money Supply and Inflation

Money Supply and Inflation Aging is inflationary when caused by a decline in birth rate, and deflationary when caused by an increase in longevity. If the money supply grows faster than real output, then it causes inflation. And if there is a structural bottom for commodities and inflation, value could outperform growth. Image: Fidelity Investments

Growth and Inflation

Growth and Inflation This chart shows the ISM Index vs. prices paid deviation from the mean since 2009. Currently, the U.S. manufacturing cycle has headed back into recession & deflation. Image: Fidelity Investments

Why Do Eurozone Bond Investors Accept Zero Long-Term Interest Rates?

Why Do Eurozone Bond Investors Accept Zero Long-Term Interest Rates? Because they have a deflationary view of the euro area economy. Now, investors are losing so much money just by holding German bonds in real terms (adjusted for inflation). Today, the Germany 10-Year bond yield hits 0% again. Keep in mind that raising interest rates in…