Major Economies Central Banks Total Assets and MSCI ACWI
Major Economies Central Banks Total Assets and MSCI ACWI Central bank balance sheet expansion is expected to push equities higher. Image: BofA Global Research
Major Economies Central Banks Total Assets and MSCI ACWI Central bank balance sheet expansion is expected to push equities higher. Image: BofA Global Research
Real Rates Among Major Economies Among major economies, China is now the only country offering positive real interest rates. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Economies in Recession This year is ending with 93% of the world’s economies contracting, with 53% shrinking by more than 6%. Image: BofA Global Research
Advanced Economies Debt/GDP The coronavirus pandemic could bring the debt-to-GDP ratio of advanced economies to World War II levels. Image: Deutsche Bank
% of Economies with Improving Manufacturing PMI vs. Previous Month Based on a 3-month moving average, 82% of economies now see an improvement in their manufacturing sector compared to the previous month. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
% of Economies with Improving Manufacturing PMI vs. Previous Month Recent global manufacturing PMI data suggest the economic comeback is underway. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
DM Economies Real GDP and Working Age Population CAGR The working-age population plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth and productivity. However, many developed nations face a projected decline in this demographic, potentially hindering their economic prospects. Image: Deutsche Bank
GDP Growth Forecast for Selected Economies The International Monetary Fund is predicting a V-shaped recovery for the global economy. Image: Statista
GDP Growth Forecast for the World’s Largest Economies in 2020 The OECD expects the world economy to grow by 2.4% in 2020. Image: Statista
Revised Real GDP Growth Forecasts for Asian Economies Goldman Sachs slashed growth forecasts for Asian economies, as the coronavirus impacts economic activity. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
% of Economies with Improving Manufacturing PMI vs. Previous Month Global manufacturing outlook improves, as 60% of economies reported better PMIs relative to December 2019. Image: Morgan Stanley Research