Real Rates Among Major Economies

Real Rates Among Major Economies Among major economies, China is now the only country offering positive real interest rates. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

Economies in Recession

Economies in Recession This year is ending with 93% of the world’s economies contracting, with 53% shrinking by more than 6%. Image: BofA Global Research

Advanced Economies Debt/GDP

Advanced Economies Debt/GDP The coronavirus pandemic could bring the debt-to-GDP ratio of advanced economies to World War II levels. Image: Deutsche Bank

DM Economies Real GDP and Working Age Population CAGR

DM Economies Real GDP and Working Age Population CAGR The working-age population plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth and productivity. However, many developed nations face a projected decline in this demographic, potentially hindering their economic prospects. Image: Deutsche Bank

Revised Real GDP Growth Forecasts for Asian Economies

Revised Real GDP Growth Forecasts for Asian Economies Goldman Sachs slashed growth forecasts for Asian economies, as the coronavirus impacts economic activity. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research