U.S. Debt to GDP Ratio

U.S. Debt to GDP Ratio The projected surge in U.S. federal debt over the next three decades may adversely impact the economy, resulting in elevated interest payments, strained resources, and possible constraints on economic growth and government flexibility. Image: Deutsche Bank

U.S. Debt Held by Public as Share of GDP

U.S. Debt Held by Public as Share of GDP The anticipated increase in the U.S. federal debt by 2030 could potentially harm the economy, leading to higher interest payments, constrained resources, and potential limitations on growth and government responsiveness. Image: Deutsche Bank

U.S. Household Debt and Credit

U.S. Household Debt and Credit Aggregate household debt balances declined by $34bn and stand at $14.27tn. This is the first decline since 2014. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

U.S. Long-Term Budget Outlook

U.S. Long-Term Budget Outlook Large budget deficits over the next 30 years could boost federal debt to unprecedented levels. Image: Congressional Budget Office

Detecting and Measuring Asset Bubbles

Detecting and Measuring Asset Bubbles Detecting and measuring asset bubbles is not always an easy task. This chart puts into perspective the current U.S. households financial assets to GDP and the U.S. federal debt as percentage of GDP.

Who Owns Different Countries’ Government Bonds?

Who Owns Different Countries’ Government Bonds? About 70% of the U.S. national debt is owned by domestic government, institutions investors and the Federal Reserve. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research