Loan Loss Provisions by S&P 500 Financials

Loan Loss Provisions by S&P 500 Financials Should investors love bank stocks, as loan loss provisions are expected to decline sharply? Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Alloation

Delinquencies as % of Total Loans

Delinquencies as % of Total Loans This chart shows the highest mortgage delinquency rate in nine years. Image: The Daily Shot

Bank Loans and Bank Lending Standards

Bank Loans and Bank Lending Standards According to BofA, banks won’t lend, as nearly three-quarters of loan officers reported tighter bank lending standards in the second quarter. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Commercial Bank Loan Delinquency Rate

Commercial Bank Loan Delinquency Rate Chart suggesting that the commercial bank loan delinquency rate is expected to rise Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

U.S. Bank Loans

U.S. Bank Loans On the positive side, U.S. banks have significantly increased lending. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Delinquency Rate on All Loans and Recessions

Delinquency Rate on All Loans and Recessions In recent history, the delinquency rate trended upward before the recession began. Today, it is declining and does not suggest a recession is looming.

U.S. Commercial and Industrial Loans Outstanding

U.S. Commercial and Industrial Loans Outstanding Business loan growth is slowing down, despite Fed easing. Currently, liquidity is going into the financial markets, but not into the real economy. Image: Pictet Wealth Management

Business Loans at U.S. Banks

Business Loans at U.S. Banks Business loans at U.S. banks are tightly connected to the real economy and stalled in second half of this year. Image: Financial Times