Average S&P 500 Return Before and During Bear Markets
Average S&P 500 Return Before and During Bear Markets The S&P 500 does not price in a U.S. recession. Image: TS Lombard
Average S&P 500 Return Before and During Bear Markets The S&P 500 does not price in a U.S. recession. Image: TS Lombard
U.S. Stock Market – Nifty Fifty Price Returns Will the U.S. stock market be “dead” money over the next 10 years? Image: BofA Research Investment Committee
Cumulative Returns Around Bear Market Bottoms Is the bear market bottom for the S&P 500 around 3,000? Image: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research
Largest S&P 500 10-Day Returns During Prior Bear Markets The recent U.S. equity rally has been very strong. Image: BofA Global Research
Returns – R-squared of Fed Balance Sheet YoY vs. YoY Change in S&P 500 Market Capitalization that is not Driven by Earnings Since 2010, the Fed balance sheet expansion tends to explain 52% of S&P 500 returns. Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy
Bull Market – S&P 500 % Returns and Length of 50-Trading Day Breakouts Can the S&P 500 continue to rise? Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC
U.S. Markets – 12-Month Return Boost/Drag vs. Average When the U.S. business cycle is in the expansion phase, the S&P 500 tends to have above-average returns over the next 12 months. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
Value Cumulative Returns – U.S. Stock Market Value has made a strong comeback in recent months. Image: Financial Times
S&P 500 Return – Equity Market Trends Around U.S. Capital Gains Tax Rate Hikes Equity prices tend to decline around U.S. capital gains tax hikes, but are likely to be short-lived. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Returns – The Impact of Missing the Market’s Best and Worst Days Each Decade Should investors avoid trying to time the market, given the difficulty of determining the peaks and troughs of the market? Image: CNBC