% of Total Flows into Equity Mutual Funds and ETFs since 1996
% of Total Flows into Equity Mutual Funds and ETFs since 1996 Historically, January tends to see strong equity inflows. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
% of Total Flows into Equity Mutual Funds and ETFs since 1996 Historically, January tends to see strong equity inflows. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Household + Mutual Fund Ownership of U.S. Equities Household + mutual fund ownership of U.S. equities is increasing dramatically. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Net U.S. Mutual Fund and ETF Flows by Year Are flows into U.S. equity mutual funds and ETFs on the way to the moon this year? Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Inequality – Breakdown of Household Equity and Mutual Fund Ownership by Wealth Percentile Stock ownership has gotten very concentrated with the top 1% owning 53% of stocks. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
What Bubble? – Mutual Funds and ETF Cumulative Flows into Equities and Bonds Since 2009 Are U.S. equities a long way away from being in bubble territory, as inflows since 2009 have gone into bonds, not equities? Image: Fidelity Investments
Large-Cap Mutual Funds – Over/(Under)weight Allocations Large-cap mutual funds are underweight retail favorites. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Breakdown of Household Equity and Mutual Fund Ownership by Generation Baby boomers control a substantial proportion of the U.S. equity market. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Major U.S. Mutual Funds’ Net Exposure to U.S. Equities U.S. equity exposure of major U.S. mutual funds is in line with the historical average. Image: Nomura
Large-Cap Mutual Funds Beta to Mega-Cap Growth Stocks Mega-cap growth stocks have seen their exposure in mutual funds rising steeply. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation
Cash on the Sidelines in Money Market Mutual Funds How much cash is sitting in money market mutual funds, waiting to come back to the market? $4.8 trillion, which is about 16% of market capitalization. Image: Fidelity Investments
U.S. Equity Mutual Funds Flow U.S. equity mutual funds have experienced the biggest drop in asset under management since 2008. Image: Macrobond Financial