Crude Oil Price Returns

Crude Oil Price Returns Is the price of crude oil on the way to the moon? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Oil Price Spikes and U.S. Recessions

Oil Price Spikes and U.S. Recessions Historically, sharp increases in oil prices have preceded recessions in the United States. Image: Richardson Wealth

U.S. GDP Impact of Oil Price Shock

U.S. GDP Impact of Oil Price Shock The oil price shock will have a significant impact on the U.S. GDP. Image: Oxford Economics

Oil Price Spikes and Recessions

Oil Price Spikes and Recessions Will the sharp rise in oil prices lead to a recession in the United States? Image: Real Investment Advice

WTI Crude Oil Price Seasonality

WTI Crude Oil Price Seasonality Seasonality suggests that oil prices tend to move lower into year end. Image: Topdown Charts

Oil Prices and Consensus Capex

Oil Prices and Consensus Capex Could oil capex cuts lead to supply disruptions? Image: Morgan Stanley Research

Survey – Oil Prices

Survey – Oil Prices Are investors right about the price of oil? Image: Deutsche Bank Research