Crude Oil Price Returns
Crude Oil Price Returns Is the price of crude oil on the way to the moon? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy
Crude Oil Price Returns Is the price of crude oil on the way to the moon? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy
Oil Price Spikes and U.S. Recessions Historically, sharp increases in oil prices have preceded recessions in the United States. Image: Richardson Wealth
Oil Price Relative to U.S. Personal Disposable Income The impact of the recent oil surge, adjusted for U.S. personal incomes, is much smaller than that of previous oil shocks. Image: Alpine Macro
Oil Prices – Fair Value as a Function of the U.S. Dollar and Global Growth How long will oil prices continue to deviate from fair value? Image: Deutsche Bank
U.S. GDP Impact of Oil Price Shock The oil price shock will have a significant impact on the U.S. GDP. Image: Oxford Economics
Oil Price Spikes and Recessions Will the sharp rise in oil prices lead to a recession in the United States? Image: Real Investment Advice
Impact on U.S. Consumer Spending If Oil Prices Rise to $120 If oil prices remain elevated, will the Fed raise interest rates more gradually than markets expect? Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management
WTI Crude Oil Price Seasonality Seasonality suggests that oil prices tend to move lower into year end. Image: Topdown Charts
Oil Prices and Consensus Capex Could oil capex cuts lead to supply disruptions? Image: Morgan Stanley Research
Survey – Oil Prices Are investors right about the price of oil? Image: Deutsche Bank Research
WTI Oil Price and Core PCE Inflation Oil prices tend to be closely linked to inflation. Image: Alpine Macro