S&P 500 Index and Technical Score

S&P 500 Index and Technical Score With a reading of 78.09, the U.S. stock market is less overbought, signaling a potential period of consolidation. Image: Real Investment Advice

S&P 500 Index Max Pullback per Calendar Year

S&P 500 Index Max Pullback per Calendar Year A key factor in wealth creation is being prepared for market volatility. Looking back to 1980, the S&P 500 index has shown an average peak-to-trough pullback of…

Volatility – VIX Level

Volatilty – VIX Level Goldman Sachs predicts that a 1 standard deviation economic shock could potentially cause the VIX to skyrocket to 28, reflecting a substantial increase in volatility, based on their economic model of…

Commodities Rolling 10-Year Annualized Returns

Commodities Rolling 10-Year Annualized Returns Historical trends suggest that commodity bull markets have the potential to last for extended periods, often spanning multiple years. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

IG Bond Flows

IG Bond Flows Investors’ persistent flows into corporate bond funds reflect their ongoing confidence and interest in this asset class. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

4-Week Flow Pace into Bitcoin Funds

4-Week Flow Pace into Bitcoin Funds There has been a significant decline in the 4-week flow pace into Bitcoin funds. Image: J.P. Morgan

GWIM 4-Week ETF Flows as % of AUM

GWIM 4-Week ETF Flows as % of AUM BofA’s private clients have been buying EM debt, Japan, munis ETFs, and selling energy, dividend, financials ETFs over the past four weeks. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Interest Rates – U.S. Federal Funds Rate Expectations

Interest Rates – U.S. Federal Funds Rate Expectations BofA expects a 3.5-3.75% terminal rate in this cutting cycle, up 50bp from their previous forecast. This suggests a need to tighten monetary policy to control inflation…

Annual Changes in Central Bank Gold Reserves

Annual Changes in Central Bank Gold Reserves The significant increase in gold reserves by China, Poland, and Singapore in 2023 reflects a broader trend of central banks expanding their holdings of bullion amid escalating geopolitical…

U.S. Real Retail Sales and Recession

U.S. Real Retail Sales and Recession In March, U.S. real retail sales stand at 0.52% YoY. About 70% of U.S. GDP is personal consumption. In the past, real retail sales trended sideways before the recession…