Performance – Ratio of Russell 2000 Index to Russell 1000 Index

Performance – Ratio of Russell 2000 Index to Russell 1000 Index The underperformance of small caps relative to large caps raises questions about their capacity to adapt to rapid changes in the economic landscape. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Relative Performance – Nasdaq 100 vs. Russell 2000

Relative Performance – Nasdaq 100 vs. Russell 2000 The frenzy surrounding artificial intelligence is driving U.S. tech stocks back to high levels relative to small caps. Image: BofA Global Research

Russell 1000 Value Index

Russell 1000 Value Index Could this be the beginning of the rotation towards value and small caps? Image: Financial Times

Performance – Russell 1000 Value/Growth Month Returns

Performance – Russell 1000 Value/Growth Month Returns This month sees the strongest outperformance in small cap value since the 2000s (September return projected to month end). Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Equities and Global Equities ex-U.S.

U.S. Equities and Global Equities ex-U.S. This chart suggests that higher yields could cause great rotation from bonds to stocks, US equities to non-US equities, growth to value, large caps to small caps, tech stocks to bank stocks, credit to commodities,… Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy