Yield Curve – Difference 5-Year and 30-Year Treasury Yields
Yield Curve – Difference 5-Year and 30-Year Treasury Yields The yield curve steepens after the Fed pivot. Are Gold prices at risk? Image: Financial Times
Yield Curve – Difference 5-Year and 30-Year Treasury Yields The yield curve steepens after the Fed pivot. Are Gold prices at risk? Image: Financial Times
U.S. Real Yield Curve and 2-Year/30-Year U.S. Real Yield Curve Economic stress remains as the U.S. real yield curve remains in negative territory. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
MSCI USA Cyclical Sectors-Defensive Sectors Spread USD Index vs. 2-Year/30-Year U.S. Treasury Yield Curve This chart suggests that cyclical outperformance of defensives tends to be correlated with the shape of the 2-year/30-year U.S. Treasury yield curve. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
S&P 500 Subsequent Month Return and Change in 30-Year Real Yield When 30-year real yields rose as much as today, S&P 500 returns the following month were negative 3 times out of 5. Image: Deutsche Bank
Value vs. Growth and U.S. 30-Year Government Bond Yield The outperformance of U.S. growth stocks relative to U.S. value stocks suggests lower bond yields ahead. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy
S&P 500 Stocks with Dividend Yields Above 30-Year Treasury Yield Yields on U.S. equities seem competitive vs. U.S. Treasuries, but equity risk does not disappear because a company pays a dividend. Image: Legg Mason
S&P 500 Dividend Yield and 30-Year Treasury Bond Are U.S. equities a “buy”? The dividend yield of the S&P 500 Index is now higher than the yield from a 30-year Treasury bond. This is a rare phenomenon. But the equity risk does not disappear because a company pays a dividend. Image: Bloomberg
30-Year Mortgage Rates vs. 10-Year Treasury Yield There is a very high correlation between the 30-year mortgage rates and the 10-year treasury yield 30-year mortgage rates = 1.739 x (10-year treasury yield)² + 0.7755 x (10-year treasury yield) + 0.0227 R² = 0.9787 Image: Calculated Risk
U.S. 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates With Treasury yields rising, are ultra-low mortgage rates over? Image: BofA Global Research
U.S. 30-Year Bond Total Return by Year Since 1974 Will 30-year bond yields keep rising? Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC
U.S. 30-Year Bond Total Return by Year U.S. long-bond yield hits all-time low, with the world in crisis mode. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC