S&P 500 Index and Margin Debt
S&P 500 Index and Margin Debt Can the YoY change in margin debt be interpreted as a positive sign for the S&P 500? Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
S&P 500 Index and Margin Debt Can the YoY change in margin debt be interpreted as a positive sign for the S&P 500? Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
MSCI All Countries vs. Median Profit Margin All Countries Will global corporate profitability improve in the coming quarters? Image: Topdown Charts
S&P 500 Operating Margins Will the profitability of S&P 500 companies improve in the coming quarters? Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
S&P 500 Profit Margin – Operating Earnings/Sales S&P 500 profit margins remain strong at 11.2%, despite many headwinds and higher labor costs. Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management
U.S. PPI Less U.S. CPI vs. S&P 500 12-Month Forward Profit Margin Are margins at risk, as they tend to be correlated with the spread between PPI and CPI? Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
S&P 500 Net Margin and NFIB Small Business Survey: Demand vs. Wage Cost Composite (Leading Indicator) Is there a risk of further decline in S&P 500 margins? Image: Morgan Stanley Research
Margins – PPI Trade Service Index, Unit Labor Costs and U.S. Core CPI Are margins at risk in 2023? Image: Pantheon Macroeconomics
FINRA Margin Debt and 12-Month Z-Score Is the current 12-month z-score for margin debt a contrarian bullish signal for U.S. stocks? Image: BofA Global Research
Univ. of Mich. Consumer Sentiment Index and Russell 1000 Index, Trailing 12-Month Gross Profit Margin Should investors expect gross profit margins to disappoint in the coming months? Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Share of Unique S&P 500 Companies with EBIT Margins > 50% for Consecutive Years Achieving rapid sales growth and sustained high profitability for over a decade is a rare accomplishment among S&P 500 companies. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
U.S. Equities – Margin Debt and S&P 500 Is the sharp decline of margin debt a contrarian bullish signal for U.S. stocks? Image: Morgan Stanley