U.S. Household Debt and Credit

U.S. Household Debt and Credit Aggregate household debt balances declined by $34bn and stand at $14.27tn. This is the first decline since 2014. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Breakeven Prices for Existing U.S. Oil Wells

Breakeven Prices for Existing U.S. Oil Wells Breakeven prices for existing U.S. oil wells highlights that the current WTI oil price is too low for oil companies to make a decent return. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Energy Survey

U.S. Unemployment Rate Expected in 2020

U.S. Unemployment Rate Expected in 2020 Dr. James Bullard, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, said that the U.S. unemployment rate may hit 30% in Q2 2020. Image: Piper Sandler

U.S. Real GDP Forecast

U.S. Real GDP Forecast According to 37 professional forecasters surveyed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, U.S. real GDP is expected to grow 2% in 2020 and should continue to improve next year. Image: Macrobond Financial

Philly Fed Leading Index and Recession

Philly Fed Leading Index and Recession The Philly Fed Leading Index for the United States suggests that the U.S. economy is still in expansion mode over the next 6 months. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

China’s Monetary Policy

China’s Monetary Policy The Chinese banks’ reserve requirement ratio will be cut by 50 bps on January 6, to 12.5%. Image: Bianco Research

Delinquency Rate of Student Loans since 2003

Delinquency Rate of Student Loans since 2003 The delinquency rate of student loans is higher than credit card delinquency, auto loans and mortgages. The main reason is that the interest rate on student loans can be very high. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Who Owns Different Countries’ Government Bonds?

Who Owns Different Countries’ Government Bonds? About 70% of the U.S. national debt is owned by domestic government, institutions investors and the Federal Reserve. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

The U.S. Unemployment Rate Is Historically Low

The U.S. Unemployment Rate Is Historically Low But the FOMC projection suggests that the unemployment rate cannot improve indefinitely. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond