Who Owns the U.S. Treasury Market?

Who Owns the U.S. Treasury Market? American institutions and individual investors are big holders. A large part of the treasury market is also owned by foreigners. Image: Bianco Research

U.S. Monthly Intervention by Currency

U.S. Monthly Intervention by Currency As the chart shows, frequent interventions in the foreign exchange market were fairly common prior to 1995. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Total Allocated Exchange Reserves by Currency

Total Allocated Exchange Reserves by Currency The U.S. dollar represents 61% of all central bank foreign reserves. And the total value of all currencies held in foreign exchange reserves is almost $11 trillion. Image: howmuch.net

Who Owns the Equity Market?

Who Owns the Equity Market? Most of the equity market is owned by households and mutual funds. But ETFs and foreigners continue to gain share. Image: Bianco Research

The Trade-Weighted Broad US Dollar Index Hits the Highest Level since 2002

The Trade-Weighted Broad US Dollar Index Hits the Highest Level since 2002 A strong dollar leads to wider trade deficits, and this is a headwind for US exporters. A strong dollar can also hurt emerging markets. The trade-weighted broad US Dollar index is a weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the US dollar against…

Are US-China Trade Talks “Going Very Well” As Donald Trump Says?

Are US-China Trade Talks “Going Very Well” As Donald Trump Says? Well, in 2018, China was selling its US Treasury securities. In 2019, it’s just the opposite. Not bad! Why? It is not obvious, but China could use the dollars elsewhere, in Middle East countries for oil supplies, instead of buying US Treasury securities. Image: Ryan Detrick,…