G4 Central Bank QE and Emerging Markets Equities

G4 Central Bank QE and Emerging Markets Equities This chart suggests that G4 central bank stimulus would support emerging markets equities in 2020 (R = 0.94 since 2016). Image: BofA Global Research

No One Loses Money in China?

No One Loses Money in China? That’s pretty curious. Very few Chinese companies appear to have a negative return on equity (ROE) compared to NYSE listed firms. Image: Wind Information

DHL Global Trade Barometer

DHL Global Trade Barometer The DHL Global Trade Barometer is a leading indicator for the future development of global trade, suggesting a protracted but mild decline of world trade. You may also like “Recession Indicators.”…

U.S. Corporate Profits vs. Assets

U.S. Corporate Profits vs. Assets U.S. corporate profits are near 20-year lows relative to fixed assets. The alternative to a recovery in corporate profits is the increasing risk of recession. Image: BofA Global Research

S&P 500 and Average Bull Markets

S&P 500 and Average Bull Markets Chart showing the current S&P 500 rally compared to average bull markets since 1950. Image: The Leuthold Group

U.S. Job Growth and Business Cycles

U.S. Job Growth and Business Cycles Chart showing that U.S. job growth has recovered more slowly than in previous cycles. Image: CNBC

S&P 500 Average Returns Since 1926

S&P 500 Average Returns Since 1926 Historically, in the year following a double-digit gain, there have only been three years where the U.S. stock market has experienced a double-digit decline. Image: Ben Carlson