Housing – U.S. Median Famility Income to Mortgage Cost

Housing – U.S. Median Famility Income to Mortgage Cost This chart suggests that relative to family incomes, buying a home in the U.S. is currently quite affordable by historical standards. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

The Cost of a Barrel of Oil in Real U.S. Dollar Terms

The Cost of a Barrel of Oil in Real U.S. Dollar Terms This chart puts into perspective the real price of oil in U.S. dollar terms since 1870. U.S. oil prices turned negative for the first time in history. Image: Deutsche Bank

U.S. Stocks – The Cost of Market Timing

U.S. Stocks – The Cost of Market Timing This chart shows the impact on performance over time, when investors attempt to time the market. Image: Legg Mason

Projected U.S. Health Care Costs

Projected U.S. Health Care Costs Over the next 10 years, the federal government is expected to spend $16 trillion on health care and $6 trillion on interest costs. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research