U.S. Debt and Demographics

U.S. Debt and Demographics This interesting chart clearly shows the large divergence between U.S. debt and demographics. Image: Fidelity Investments

Demographics and Interest Rates

Demographics and Interest Rates Interesting chart suggesting that demographics explain bond yields. Image: Fidelity Investments

Demographics and U.S. 10-year Treasury Yield

Demographics and U.S. 10-year Treasury Yield The trend in global savings has turned. The chart suggests that the dis-saving phase is likely to be inflationary. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

Demographics – Dow Jones and Generational Peaks

Demographics – Dow Jones and Generational Peaks This chart shows that generational peaks are associated with major market tops. GenX peaked in 2018 and Millennials don’t peak until 2038. Image: Fundstrat Global Advisors, LLC

Demographics – Forecasting U.S. GDP

Demographics – Forecasting U.S. GDP This chart suggests that aging population is weighing down growth. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

Demographics – Old Age Dependency Ratio

Demographics – Old Age Dependency Ratio The world’s population is ageing and demographics explain low interest rates. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

Valuation and Demographics

Valuation and Demographics Our world is aging with high levels of debt and low interest rates, maybe for a long time. The chart shows that an aging population affects yields. You may also like “Debt and Demographics.” Image: Fidelity Investments