Inequality – Wealth per Adult Around the World

Inequality – Wealth per Adult Around the World The U.S. with median wealth per adult at $65.9K, and Canada ($107K), are the wealthiest in the Western Hemisphere. Image:

U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket

U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket Another chart showing the wealth disparities before and after the Great Recession. Inequality: you may also like “Lower Incomes Paid the Highest Price.” Image: Axios

The Top Wealthiest Countries in 2018

The Top Wealthiest Countries in 2018 The United States is the world’s largest wealth market with $60.7 trillion in 2018. Inequality: you may also like “Lower Incomes Paid the Highest Price.” Image: Visual Capitalist

The 10% Richest Households in the U.S. Own Almost 70% of All Wealth

The 10% Richest Households in the U.S. Own Almost 70% of All Wealth The 10% richest households in the US used to own 60% of all wealth. Now they own almost 70%. Inequality: you may also like “U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket.” Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

Concentration of Stock Ownership by Wealth Bracket

Concentration of Stock Ownership by Wealth Bracket As the chart shows, the top 20% wealthiest American households own over 93% of stocks. You may also like “How the Composition of Wealth Changes from the Middle Class to The Ultra Rich?” and “U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket.” Image: Visual Capitalist

S&P 500 Earnings Estimates

S&P 500 Earnings Estimates Morgan Stanley projects that the S&P 500 will reach earnings per share of $269 in 2025 and $297 in 2026, indicating a positive outlook for profitability and growth. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Components of S&P 500 Total Return

Components of S&P 500 Total Return Given that S&P 500 returns in the past five years were driven more by valuations than earnings, investors should anticipate a reversal of this trend, where earnings become a more significant driver of returns. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management