World Trade and Copper

World Trade and Copper Chart suggesting that any improvement in world trade should benefit copper. Image: BofA Global Research

Copper to Gold Ratio

Copper to Gold Ratio The copper to gold ratio provides useful information on the evolution of the U.S. 10-year Treasury, the ISM Non-Manufacturing Index and the average weekly hours worked. Image: Paolo Cardena

Copper to Gold Ratio and U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield

Copper to Gold Ratio and U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield The chart suggests that the correlation between the copper/gold ratio and the US 10-year Treasury yield is still valid. Image: Nordea and Macrobond

U.S. 10-Year Yields vs. Copper to Gold Ratio

U.S. 10-Year Yields vs. Copper To Gold Ratio Great chart showing a strong correlation between U.S. 10-year yields and the copper to gold ratio. Image: Nordea and Macrobond

Rotation vs. U.S. GDP Growth Forecasts

Rotation vs. U.S. GDP Growth Forecasts Chart suggesting that the rotation out of bonds into equities, out of growth into cyclicals, out of large caps into small caps, and out of gold into copper, is expected to continue in 2020. Image: Fidelity Investments