Valuation – Cyclical Adjusted P/E Ratio – MSCI U.S. vs. MSCI World Ex-U.S.
Valuation – Cyclical Adjusted P/E Ratio – MSCI U.S. vs. MSCI World Ex-U.S. Are global equities ex-U.S. a bargain? Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Valuation – Cyclical Adjusted P/E Ratio – MSCI U.S. vs. MSCI World Ex-U.S. Are global equities ex-U.S. a bargain? Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
U.S. 30 Year Total Return Benckmark Government Index and All-Country World Total Return Index Could rising inflation be more painful for bonds than for equities? Image: BCA Research
Global Money Supply and MSCI World Index Global equities are around 1 standard devation vs. global money supply. It could be bullish for stocks, as global money supply growth tends to push equities higher. Image: Nordea and Macrobond
Performance over 12 Months: S&P 500 vs. FTSE All World and FTSE 100 U.S. equities had their best month since 1987, in the global rebound. Image: Financial Times
Number of Trading Days in a Bear Market (MSCI World Index) Stimulus and extremely low interest rates have moved global equities higher over past decade. Image: Financial Times
MSCI World Index vs. OECD Unemployment Rate and U.S. Consumer Confidence Chart suggesting that OECD unemployment troughs and very confident U.S. consumers do not generally bode well for global equities. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
World Semiconductor Sales Lead Emerging Markets This chart suggests that world semiconductor sales lead the MSCI emerging markets index by 3 months. This is very interesting before investing in emerging market equities. Country weights of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index: 33% China, 13.02% Korea, 11.35% Taiwan. Image: Nordea and Macrobond
MSCI Emerging Markets Index vs. World Semiconductor Sales This great chart suggests that world semiconductor sales lead the MSCI emerging markets index by 3 months. Very interesting chart before investing in emerging market equities. Country weights of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index: 33% China, 13.02% Korea, 11.35% Taiwan. Image: Nordea and Macrobond
Global Market Capitalization of All Equities With the United States dominating 67% of the global equity market, it seems the rest of the world is just there to enjoy the spectacle—complete with popcorn! Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Monthly Equity Flows – U.S. vs. Non-U.S. U.S. equities have seen the highest monthly inflows on record relative to the rest of the world. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Average Real Equity and Bond Returns Since 1900, equities have significantly outperformed bonds across the western world. Image: Financial Times