Where Does Inflation Come From?

Where Does Inflation Come From? Mainly inflation comes from excess money supply growth. There is too much money in the system chasing too few goods and services. Over the long term, Nominal GDP = Money Supply x Velocity of Money = Inflation + Real Economic Growth “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” –Milton Friedman. You…

The S&P 500 Hits All-Time High

The S&P 500 Hits All-Time High Bulls make money and are happy again… Yes, but until when? Keep in mind that the US stock market is currently overvalued by 9%. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Ken Fisher: ‘Third year of a president’s term is positive’

Ken Fisher: ‘Third year of a president’s term is positive’ “…because political risk aversion falls as you get to increase gridlock which happends in every midterm election.” Billionaire Ken Fisher thinks there is room to run for the stock market this year. But don’t try to time the market and keep your investment strategy simple.

Ray Dalio, Founder and Chairman, Bridgewater Associates

Ray Dalio, Founder and Chairman, Bridgewater Associates In this video at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Ray Dalio discusses his life and career, principles, relationship, conflicts with other nations, increasing wage gap in the U.S. and more. “Just generally as an entrepreneur, you have to think differently in order to be successful. There’s a high…

Greek’s 5-Year Bond Yields Have Fallen Below US 5-year Government Bond Yield

Greek’s 5-Year Bond Yields Have Fallen Below US 5-Year Government Bond Yield Which one would you choose? Greek bonds or US counterparts? This is a great example of financial market madness. Mark Twain once said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” That’s true! Greece has spent around half its time in default on its…

Why Warren Buffett Says That Stocks Are Generally Better Than Bonds?

Why Warren Buffett says that stocks are generally better than bonds? Our equity risk premium model shows when the US stock market return for the next 10 years is more or less attractive than the 10-Year Treasury Note. Since 1970, the 10-year Treasury Note was less attractive than the US stock market over a 10-year…

What Will Cause The Next Recession – Robert Shiller On Human Behavior

What Will Cause The Next Recession – Robert Shiller On Human Behavior Robert Shiller is a professor at Yale University and Nobel Prize winner in Economics in 2013. What are the biggest risks right now on the next recession? 1) Housing market, 2) Bull stock market, 3) Interest rates and 4) Record expansion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUYk2DA8PH8