MSCI World Index Valuation at Cycle Peaks and Troughs

MSCI World Index Valuation at Cycle Peaks and Troughs On average, the MSCI World Index currently trades at a price-to-earnings ratio that has marked cyclical peaks in the stock market over the past 50 years. Image: Charles Schwab

U.S. ISM Manufacturing Index and Cyclicals EPS Revision

U.S. ISM Manufacturing Index and Cyclicals EPS Revision This chart shows the correlation between the ISM Manufacturing Index and cyclicals EPS revision, suggesting that 4Q19 will see a reset, with capital goods pricing in an actual earnings recession. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

China Credit Impulse – Reflation Cycle

China Credit Impulse – Reflation Cycle This chart shows that China credit impulse has not yet boosted relative earnings. Credit impulse is the change in new credit issued as a percentage of GDP. Image: Fidelity Investments

S&P 500 Tax Adjusted EPS vs. Trend

S&P 500 Tax Adjusted EPS vs. Trend Interesting chart showing that S&P 500 tax adjusted earnings are well above the trend in the United States, and have historically preceded earning plunges. Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Buyback Contribution to EPS Growth

Buyback Contribution to EPS Growth Buybacks constitute a very important part of the earnings payout. Without them, there is no EPS growth. Image: Credit Suisse Research

S&P 500 Valuation and Equity Risk Premium

S&P 500 Valuation and Equity Risk Premium This chart shows that the equity risk premium (earnings yield less 10-year Treasury yield) has declined to 3.9%. Image: Fidelity Investments

Time Lags Between Indicators and Recessions

Time Lags Between Indicators and Recessions Chart showing that credit standards, earnings and the yield curve are the earliest recession indicators. Image: Oxford Economics

Equity Risk Premium

Equity Risk Premium The equity risk premium (earnings yield less bond yield) stands at 4.48% (the 90th percentile since 1985). It suggests that equities are cheap relative to bonds. Image: Fidelity Investments

S&P 500 EPS vs. U.S. Nonfinancial Corporate Profits

S&P 500 EPS vs. U.S. Nonfinancial Corporate Profits Creative accounting is imaginative ways to present accounts. The divergences between earnings and U.S. nonfinancial corporate profits occur before recessions. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond