Performance of Hedge Fund Index vs. S&P 500

Performance of Hedge Fund Index vs. S&P 500 Hedge fund returns have not been as good as those of the S&P 500, but volatility has been lower. Image: Richardson Wealth

Estimated Number of Hedge Funds Launched or Closed since 2008

Estimated Number of Hedge Funds Launched or Closed since 2008 Can hedge funds deliver higher returns than passive investing? Not really. But many investors still think they can achieve higher returns with active trading than with passive investing. The chart below shows that it is really hard to outperform the market. As Warren Buffett said,…

Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index and USD Bets Leveraged Funds

Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index and USD Bets Leveraged Funds Investors, particularly hedge funds, are showing a strong bullish sentiment towards the U.S. dollar, with positioning now at its highest level since January 2019, while Goldman’s strategists anticipate potential further dollar strength. Image: Bloomberg

U.S. Stock Market’s Daily Volume

U.S. Stock Market’s Daily Volume U.S. stock trading volumes surge, as retail investors face down hedge funds. Image: Financial Times

Dalio Says U.S. Two Years From Downturn as Tax Cut Benefit Fades

Dalio Says U.S. Two Years From Downturn as Tax Cut Benefit Fades Hedge fund manager Ray Dalio speaks with Erik Schatzker about the next downturn and the impact of tax cuts. He also discusses debt cycles and the fact that central banks should control the level of debt and take responsibility for bubbles.

Asset Manager Net Positioning

Asset Manager Net Positioning Asset managers are so optimistic, they’re buying stocks like it’s Black Friday and every deal is a steal! This behavior raises concerns about excessive optimism and indicates a potentially overheated market. Image: MarketDesk Investment Committee Handbook

What About the Predictive Power of the Fed?

What About the Predictive Power of the Fed? As former Fed policymaker Narayana Kocherlakota said in 2016: “Don’t rely on FOMC forecasts of future fed funds rates.” Why? Because the economy is often shaken by crises and does not evolve as expected. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC