Unicorn IPOs, Are They Good Investments?

Unicorn IPOs, Are They Good Investments? Keep in mind that most IPOs lose money for investors after 5 years. Images: CNBC, Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Performance – Ratio of Russell 2000 Index to Nasdaq Composite

Performance – Ratio of Russell 2000 Index to Nasdaq Composite Small-cap stocks are currently at a record low relative to the Nasdaq Composite. Factors that could drive small-cap stocks to outperform include a rise in M&A and IPOs, robust earnings growth, and changes in interest rates. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Why U.S. Productivity Is Lower Than In Previous Business Cycles?

Why U.S. Productivity Is Lower Than Previous Business Cycles? The real yield is the most important measure of financial tightness. But as the real yield is near zero, artificially low interest rates are then associated with unnecessary debt, zombie firms and lower productivity than previous business cycles. Zombie firms cannot invest, innovate and increase productivity. …

Watch Warren Buffett’s full interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick

Watch Warren Buffett’s full interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick In this interview, Warren Buffett speaks about rail road, Berkshire Hathaway, economic slowdown, yield curve, recession, stock vs. bond, airlines & automotive industry, capitalism, inequality, benefits of free trade, IPOs, entertainment industry, Apple, American Express, Wells Fargo, real estate commission, philanthropy with 2% of GDP, odds,…