U.S. Stock Market’s Daily Volume

U.S. Stock Market’s Daily Volume U.S. stock trading volumes surge, as retail investors face down hedge funds. Image: Financial Times

Gold Inflows Since 2018

Gold Inflows Since 2018 More retail investors are turning to gold investment. Image: BofA Global Research

Net Bullish Open Option Strategies

Net Bullish Open Option Strategies This chart highlights the surge in options trading by retail traders. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Investor Movement Index vs. S&P 500

Investor Movement Index vs. S&P 500 The Investor Movement Index indicates the sentiment of TD Ameritrade retail investors. Thus, retail investors are net buyers of equities when the stock market is expensive, and they are net sellers of equities when the stock market is cheap. As usual, retail investors react to equity price movements. They buy and sell…

How’s the U.S. Economy Doing Now?

How’s the U.S. Economy Doing Now? The real GDP Nowcast relies on soft data such as consumer and business surveys and hard data such as retail sales and industrial production. It forecasts the growth of real GDP. At full employment, GDP returns to the level of potential GDP. If a recession were to occur today,…