Commodities vs. Dow Jones Industrial Average
Commodities vs. Dow Jones Industrial Average Chart suggesting that commodities are very undervalued relative to the U.S. stock market. Image: Incrementum
Commodities vs. Dow Jones Industrial Average Chart suggesting that commodities are very undervalued relative to the U.S. stock market. Image: Incrementum
Cyclicals vs. S&P 500 Chart suggesting that cyclicals are not overvalued vs. S&P 500. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Bitcoin Volatility The price of Bitcoin exhibits high volatility persistence. Has Bitcoin failed as a means of payment and store of value? Image: Financial Times
The Performance of “Deflation Assets” vs. “Inflation Assets” Interesting chart showing the performance of “Deflation Asset” vs. “Inflation Assets” since 1960. “Deflation Assets”: Government Bonds, US Investment Grade, S&P 500, US Consumer Discretionary, Growth and US High Yield “Inflation Assets”: TIPS, EAFE, US Banks, Value and Cash Image: BofA Merrill Lynch
Valuation: Utilities vs. Tech vs. S&P 500 Nice chart showing the valuation of utilities vs. Tech and the S&P 500. Currently, utilities are valued at 19.9x forward EPS, tech at 18.7x, and the S&P 500 at 16.4x Image: Fidelity Investments
S&P 500 Valuation and Inflation This chart suggests that the S&P 500 is fairly valued based on current inflation. Image: Truist
Relative Performance of MSCI World Factors In the last two weeks, the shift to value stocks may indicate that investors expect rates to rise. Image: Financial Times
Total Allocated Exchange Reserves by Currency The U.S. dollar represents 61% of all central bank foreign reserves. And the total value of all currencies held in foreign exchange reserves is almost $11 trillion. Image:
Total Negative Yielding Corporate Bonds Outstanding Negative-yielding corporate debt passed $1 trillion in market value. Investors face significant risk should rates start to rise. Image: Bianco Research
The Gold to Oil Ratio since 1985 When the gold to oil ratio approaches 30x, oil is undervalued. When it approaches 10x, gold is undervalued. Image: Goehring & Rozencwajg