House Pricing Index
House Pricing Index Rising borrowing costs and interest rates are impacting global housing markets and driving down prices in many developed markets. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
House Pricing Index Rising borrowing costs and interest rates are impacting global housing markets and driving down prices in many developed markets. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
S&P 500 Profit Margin – Operating Earnings/Sales S&P 500 profit margins remain strong at 11.2%, despite many headwinds and higher labor costs. Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management
U.S. Labor Market – Multiple Jobholders, Primary and Secondary Jobs Full Time More Americans are taking on second jobs as the cost of living increases. Image: The Daily Shot
S&P 500 Operating Profit Margins U.S. profit margins have narrowed as corporate prices have become lower than labor costs. Image: BCA Research
Inflation – NYB Arabica Coffee A cup of coffee could cost more, as arabica coffee beans continue to rise. Image: The Daily Shot
CME’s Bitcoin Reference Price vs. Futures Only Return Buying Bitcoin via futures could be costly for long-term investors. Image: The Wall Street Journal
Inflation – Small Businesses’ Single Most Important Problem Inflation and cost of labor are affecting small businesses. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC
U.S. Fiscal Effects of Enacted and Proposed Legislation U.S. fiscal support is boosting growth at the cost of increased debt. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Fiscal Stimulus in the Major Economies U.S. fiscal stimulus is boosting growth at the cost of increased debt. Image: BofA Global Research
One-Year Correlation – Oil vs. U.S. Consumer Price Index (Inflation) When oil jumps in price, it tends to increase the cost of goods. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
U.S. Zombie Companies and Debt The cost of extended monetary easing: U.S. zombie companies have accumulated $1.4 trillion of debt. Image: Bloomberg