Cyclical Value vs. Defensive Value

Cyclical Value vs. Defensive Value Energy and financials are expected to outperform the S&P 500 as the recovery continues. Image: Topdown Charts

Inflation – TIPS and Equity Sector Fund Flows

Inflation – TIPS and Equity Sector Fund Flows Strong fund inflows into TIPS, materials, energy and financials. Will the Federal Reserve let the U.S. economy run hot? Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

% of S&P 500 Capitalization

% of S&P 500 Capitalization Currently, the energy sector accounts for only 2.6% of the S&P 500’s capitalization, while tech now accounts for 28%. Image: Financial Times

Breakeven Prices for Existing U.S. Oil Wells

Breakeven Prices for Existing U.S. Oil Wells Breakeven prices for existing U.S. oil wells highlights that the current WTI oil price is too low for oil companies to make a decent return. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Energy Survey